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Dexair Prime Is For Developing Financial Skills

What is Dexair Prime?

Dexair Prime exemplifies the significance of acquiring investment education by linking people with firms that deliver investment teaching services. The Dexair Prime website is designed with zero complexities, aiding people with and without computer literacy to use it.

After connecting with these firms on Dexair Prime, people go through an exhaustive learning process in their preferred area of investment topics and are awarded certificates. People planning to take investment-related careers may start after their training period.

Connecting with investment education companies through Dexair Prime is easy. To start, people should fill out the registration form for free on Dexair Prime with their names, email addresses, and phone numbers. Investment education firms’ representatives will contact anyone who registers for more information.

Secure Investment Education with Dexair Prime

Get Lasting Skills Through Dexair Prime

As people connect with investment education firms through Dexair Prime, they develop long-term financial management, critical thinking, problem-solving, and risk analysis skills applicable to their lives, careers, jobs, and finances. Get these skills from investment teaching classes by registering on Dexair Prime.

Learn To See The Bigger Picture

Through investment education, people may begin to realize their financial abilities and other related ones.

Investment education does not only give new skills; it helps awaken existing but untapped abilities. Sign up on Dexair Prime to learn to approach finance objectively.

Explore Diverse Investment Areas

Investment has diverse areas for people to explore. People can choose which area of investment to specialize in.

Specializing helps learners acquire knowledge that suits their personal or business needs. Register for free on Dexair Prime to explore investment courses.

How to Get Investment Education through Dexair Prime

Digest Snippets Of Investment Content on Dexair Prime

Dexair Prime does not teach investment, yet shares bite-sized investment content. Learners should read the content to prepare for their prospective classes.

Register on Dexair Prime

To get investment education, people must register on Dexair Prime. Registration is done by clicking the sign-up button and submitting names, email addresses, and phone numbers.

Get Onboarded by Investment Education Firms

After registering, Dexair Prime connects people immediately with investment education firms. The firms contact people via phone to onboard them for their classes.

What is an Investment Education Firm?

Dexair Prime emphasizes registering and connecting with investment education firms. One might begin to ask what these firms are. Investment education firms are schools established to transfer investment knowledge to people. These schools might run digitally, physically, or do both.

Teachers in these firms conduct research, design curriculums, assign quizzes, and offer correction and feedback on learners’ work. The firms also design study budgets and offer insight to learners on their choice of study. Register on Dexair Prime to connect with an investment education firm.

Dexair Prime Explains Investing?

Investing means putting money into a tangible or intangible asset to try for gains. Tangible assets include land, machinery, vehicles, and buildings, while intangible assets are copyrights, franchises, trademarks, and patents. While tangible assets’ value can depreciate, intangible assets’ value may appreciate or remain stable. Dexair Prime discusses below people’s processes of selling assets and setting up businesses:

Determining the Asset for Sale
Getting a Buyer
Running the Business

Determining the Asset for Sale

People search their portfolios for assets mature enough for sale and determine the asset’s market value. Due to value fluctuations, a seller may wait till the value reaches a high enough level. The seller also calculates costs like commissions or fees required before selling an asset, as it will reduce their returns.

Getting a Buyer

A seller values assets using the base stock, market value, cost, or standard cost method before searching for a buyer. Sellers can begin by checking their network, using business directories that list likely buyers, or employing the services of business brokers. Sign up on Dexair Prime to learn more.


Negotiation involves stating the asset for sale and the amount. Sellers aim to sell at the offer they find attractive. Learn more about asset sale negotiation by registering on Dexair Prime.

Preparing Necessary Documents

At this stage, the seller prepares key legal and financial documents for starting their business and operating smoothly. Use Dexair Prime and learn more.


This is when the seller closes the asset sale deal and officially wraps up.

After going through the previous steps, the actual sale occurs here through private sales, online marketplaces, or auctions. The buyer and seller reach an agreement, demanding the seller to draw a sales contract showing the asset sold, price, and sales conditions. To get more information, sign up on Dexair Prime.

Running the Business

Once the contract is signed, the seller transfers ownership to the buyer, and they begin their business operations. To start, the business obtains its permit or license and opens a bank account. Sellers always try never to sell below an asset’s worth just to start a business. Register on Dexair Prime to learn more from investment tutors.

Learn To Analyze Asset Valuation Via Dexair Prime

It is essential to determine an asset’s or liability’s economic value during company sale, acquisition, or insurance. This process is divided into fixed/tangible assets, intangible assets, and stock valuation. Tangible asset valuation methods are cost, market-value, base stock, and standard cost methods.

The cost method values assets by basing their value on the historical price for which they were purchased. The market-value method values an asset based on its market/projected price when sold. If similar assets are unavailable in the open market, the asset’s value is determined using the realizable or replacement value method. The base stock method requires that a company keeps stocks whose value is assessed based on a base stock value. The standard cost method uses expected costs (based on a company’s experience) to determine an asset’s value.

Intangible asset valuation are income, cost, and market value methods. The income method values an asset based on the cash flow it may bring into a business over time. The cost method measures an asset’s value through the cost of replacing or rebuilding an asset. The market-based approach values an intangible asset by imitating other companies’ payment for a similar asset. Sign up on Dexair Prime to learn about stock valuation methods.

What Is Brokerage? Learn More via Dexair Prime

This entity is an intermediary between an investor and a buyer or securities exchange. Fundamental functions of brokerages include conducting due diligence, screening asset buyers, developing marketing strategies, facilitating negotiations, and closing sales. Brokers also execute trades on the financial market, store and protect customer data, and provide information about trading platforms.

Types of brokers are online, discount, and full-service brokers. Online brokers use digital channels to interact with customers, reducing commissions and increasing service speed. Discount brokers perform buy and sell orders at minimal commission rates, while full-service brokers offer diverse professional services. Dexair Prime explains a few brokerage specializations below:

Insurance Brokerage

These represent parties needing insurance solutions for transferring financial risks. The brokerage also discovers a buyer’s business operations, evaluates their needs, understands their risk tolerance, and provides options that match their needs. Register on Dexair Prime to discover more about insurance brokerage.

Credit Brokerage

These help people find lenders that match their credit needs. The brokerage oversees the credit institution selection, financing, credit issuing, and repayment processes. When employing the services of credit brokerages, lenders watch out for previous reviews and transparency in fees. To learn more about credit brokerages, register on Dexair Prime.

Real Estate Brokerage

These work independently to search for and connect real estate buyers and sellers. Some real estate properties include offices, warehouses, and residences. This brokerage charges a percentage of every real estate transaction handled. Sign up on Dexair Prime to learn more.

Leasing Brokerage

They connect business owners/managers, equipment manufacturers/retailers, and lending companies. In this case, business owners/managers have equipment or facilities to lease to other businesses, equipment retailers or manufacturers have equipment to sell, and lending companies are ready to purchase and lease equipment to business owners. Discover more about this process by signing up on Dexair Prime.

Learn Capital Structure via Dexair Prime

This term refers to the amount of debt or equity a firm uses to finance its operations or assets, expenditures, and other crucial financial processes. It is expressed as debt-to-capital or debt-to-equity ratios. Debt investors may take low risks and have low returns (capital back and interest) and ownership rights.

Equity investors take high risks, may receive high returns as capital gains and dividends, and have ownership/voting rights. A business may recapitalize by optimizing its capital structure through a debt and equity mixture. Recapitalization methods include issuing debt and repurchasing equity, issuing debt and paying a large dividend to equity investors, and issuing equity and repaying debt. Register on Dexair Prime to learn more.

Understand Corporate Finance via Dexair Prime

This financial aspect deals with how a corporation manages funding sources, investment decisions, and company value increase. It also extends to the tools and analysis for prioritizing and distributing financial resources.

Activities that govern corporate finance include investments and capital budgeting, capital financing, and dividends and return of capital. Investments and capital budgeting involve planning how to place a company’s long-term capital assets for the highest risk-adjusted returns.

Capital financing decides how to finance a company’s capital assets through its debt and equity. Dividends and returns of capital involve deciding if to retain a business’ excess earnings for future investments and operational needs or to distribute it to shareholders as share buybacks or dividends. Connect with investment education companies on Dexair Prime to know more.

Ever Heard Of Appraisals? Learn About It via Dexair Prime

In business or finance, an appraisal determines an asset’s value based on its selling price in the market. Professionals appraise assets to facilitate asset transactions, settle disputes, and secure financing. Appraisal types are qualified, equipment, and real estate appraisals. Register on Dexair Prime and connect with investment education firms to learn more about asset appraisal and how it differs from asset valuation.

Learn Capital Structure via Dexair Prime
Understand Corporate Finance via Dexair Prime

Get Acquainted with Investment Terms By Using Dexair Prime

Internal Rate of Return (IRR)

This describes the expected compound annual rate of a return on an investment. Register on Dexair Prime to learn more.

External Internal Rate of Return (XIRR)

A XIRR calculates returns on investments for companies in cases of multiple transactions at different times. To learn more, sign up on Dexair Prime.


An investor allocates capital to assets for possible gains. Get detailed information from investment teachers when registered on Dexair Prime.


This investment strategy aims to beat risks by taking an opposite position in a related asset. Get more details by signing up on Dexair Prime.

Mutual Funds

These are pooled from different investors to buy a diversified portfolio. Register on Dexair Prime to learn how mutual funds work.


It is a collection of assets or securities owned by a single investor. Discover how investors create portfolios by registering on Dexair Prime.

Build and Sharpen Skills Through Dexair Prime

Develop financial and other key skills needed to make informed financial decisions by acquiring investment education. Connect with investment education firms by registering for free on Dexair Prime.

Dexair Prime FAQs

How to Register on Dexair Prime?

Anyone interested in getting investment education should register on Dexair Prime by providing their names, email addresses, and phone numbers.

Are Dexair Prime’s Services Free?

Absolutely. Dexair Prime’s registration and connection services are free. The website does not request payment from people.

How Many Firms Does Dexair Prime Connect People With?

Dexair Prime pairs each registrant with an investment education firm. Dexair Prime does not connect one person with multiple firms.

Dexair Prime Highlights

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Free of Charge

💰 Financial Charges

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Quick and Straightforward Process

📊 Education Opportunities

Crypto, Mutual Funds, Forex, Stocks

🌎 Supported Countries

Available Worldwide, Excluding the USA

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